Confidentiality and Data protection policies


All data which is collected and held by Widcombe Acorns is managed in accordance of the Data Protection Act (2018). Data is collected for the purpose of safety, communication with parents and between agencies when necessary and for the benefit of the child, care and development. Data is collected from staff for the purpose of safer recruitment, training and development, payroll and for safeguarding purposes. Data is only shared only with parent/carer permission unless a child is at risk from harm. We are registered with Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and registered to store data digitally.



All confidential data such as personal details, addresses, records and reports are stored safely and securely in a locked office within locked storage and password protected devices. This is only accessible to managing staff and persons who have the professional right to see them.

Staff are made aware from their first day that of the importance of confidentiality and protection of information. This is part of the induction and new staff training.

Parents have the right to access all data which is collected about them and their child and can request that it is removed from our systems (unless it relates to safeguarding concerns).

 Information on data retention periods are available on request.

For more information go to: