Safeguarding Policy

Key Contacts for Safeguarding

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Emma Dodds-Smith (Manager)

Deputy Safeguarding Lead – Helen Harvey (Manager)

Health and Safety lead within team – Samantha Beattie

Trustee Health and Safety Officer – Richard Heath (2024/25)

Safeguarding and Welfare

Widcombe Acorns Preschool is committed to creating an environment in which children are safe from abuse or neglect, and in which any suspicions of abuse or neglect are promptly and appropriately responded to. Acorns safeguarding children procedures pay heed to guidance given by the The Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) following the requirements of both the Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023) and the Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023) documents.

Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023:7) defines safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children as:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment;

  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development;

  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care

  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcome

Emma Dodds-Smith is the designated member of staff for safeguarding children liaison. Her role is to ensure that all matters relating to safeguarding children issues are dealt with immediately and thoroughly, using the agreed and appropriate channels.

Emma, supported by Helen, is responsible for identifying any training needs in this area amongst the staff team and also for inducting all new team members on the relevant issues with regard to safeguarding children.

Child Protection

The first concern will be the child. Children whose condition or behaviour has given cause for concern will be listened to, reassured and helped to understand that they themselves are valued and respected and have not been at fault. 

Significant and unexplained changes in children's behaviour/appearance will be investigated, with the parent/carer normally being the first point of reference. If they are not in a position to allay any legitimate anxieties, and normally with their consent, the matter will also be taken up with the Social Services Referral and Assessment team:

Tel: 01225 396111 or 01225 477929

Or email;

In exceptional circumstances, the Social Services Referral and Assessment team will be the first point of reference. In emergencies the Police will be contacted, along with the Social Services Referral and Assessment team.

Where there are general concerns about a child's health or development, advice will be sought from one of the following:

Social Services Referral and Assessment team (no. Above)

Education Welfare Officer: 01225 394241

LEA Designated Safeguarding Children Officer: 01225 396810 or

Whenever worrying changes are observed in a child’s behaviour, physical condition or appearance, a specific and confidential record will be set up, quite separate from the usual on-going records of children’s progress and development. The record will include, in addition to the name, address and age of the child: timed and dated observations, describing objectively the child’s behaviour/appearance, without comment or interpretation; where possible, the exact words spoken by the child; the dated name and signature of the recorder may also be kept for future reference and passed with the child at the end of their time at pre-school onto their next provider. Such records will be kept in a separate file and will not be accessible to people other than the designated member of staff responsible for child protection, pre-school leader, chair and other members of staff as appropriate.

The pre-school operates in accordance with local authority guidelines and will work together with the appropriate authorities where it is felt necessary.

With the proviso that the care and safety of the child must always be paramount, the pre-school will do all in its power to support and work with the child’s family. Confidential files kept on a child will be shared with parents.

Absent Children

It is a requirement that we record absences of children if they do not come in when expected. We request that we are notified by the first morning of children’s absence by phone or email with reason for absence. We will keep records of any absences in the register and ask that parents/carers sign this on return.

Whistle Blowing

If a volunteer or member of staff is accused of any form of child abuse or neglect advice will be sought from the social services Referral and Assessment duty officer:

01225 396111 or 01225 477929

Details of the allegation in writing will be obtained, which should then be signed and dated by the person who has received the allegation and countersigned by the pre-school leader or designated member of staff. Information about times, dates, locations and names of potential witnesses will be kept. Subsequent investigations and actions will be in line with The Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures and conducted in conjunction with The Local Safeguarding Children Board. The Local Authority Safeguarding Children Unit and OFSTED will also be informed. Confidential records of the allegation and of all subsequent proceedings will be kept in the lockable filing cabinet.

Acorns is committed to continuing staff professional development in this field and to informing staff of updates as they arise.

We will ask to share any safeguarding concerns with a new school/setting when a children leaves Acorns. Parental permission will be sought.

Emma and Helen have the responsibility to regularly monitor accident and incident records, as well as any recorded concerns to monitor or identify possible safeguarding issues.

Suitable people

Any applicants for work within the pre-school, whether voluntary or paid will be interviewed prior to the appointment being made and asked to provide at least two references, which will be followed up. In the case of applicants with unexplained gaps in their employment history, or who have moved rapidly from one job to another, explanations will be sought.

All appointments, both paid and voluntary, will be subject to a probationary period of twelve weeks and will not be confirmed unless the pre-school leader is confident that the applicant can be safely entrusted with children.

Applicants will also be told that any positions are exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

We will seek out training opportunities for staff and committee members involved with pre-school to ensure that they recognise any possible symptoms of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect. This will include regular in-house training.

Adults will not be left alone for long periods with individual children or small groups. An adult who needs to take a child aside will leave the door ajar.

All regular staff and students will obtain an enhanced criminal records check to ascertain suitability to work with children.

Adults who have not been registered as ’fit’ persons with OFSTED will not be left alone with children. Parent helpers and volunteers are given instructions as to what they should or should not do with regard to supporting staff.

All staff must disclose anything that may affect their suitability to work with children, convictions, cautions, court orders, reprimands and warnings.

Staff must disclose if they are on medication that may affect how they care for children. Medical advise must be sought, and the pre-school leader informed immediately if that advice confirms that the practitioner’s ability to care for children may be impaired.

Children will be encouraged to develop a sense of independence and through adult support, find names for their own feelings and acceptable ways to express them. This will enable children to have the self-confidence and vocabulary available to resist inappropriate approaches.

The layout of the pre-school will permit constant supervision of the children at all times.

Data Protection

We are exempt from the requirement to notify the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) under the Data Protection Act 1998 for ‘not-for-profit’ organisations. Changes in business use of personal information will be monitored should the need to notify arise. For more information go to ICO website only collect personal information that is required for specific business purposes

Protection of the information we hold:

  • The Acorns office is located within a secure building.

  • Visitors are signed in and out of the premises and are always accompanied in areas normally restricted to staff and committee members.

  • All personal information in the Acorns Office is kept in locked filing cabinets or on password protected computers.

  • Any document containing personal information that is sent by e-mail is always password protected. E-mail addresses are shared on a need to know basis or with prior permission. General e-mails to parents are sent as blind copies.

  • Staff are responsible for keeping their computer passwords secure and take care when opening e-mails and attachments or visiting new websites.

  • Computer firewall and virus protection is kept up to date.

  • Staff lock/log off their computers when away from the machine.

  • The office computer is shut down during meetings with parents, volunteers and unauthorised personnel.

  • Working on a “clear desk” basis all hard copies containing personal information are stored securely when not being used.

  • All confidential material is shredded when no longer required.

  • Data is backed up regularly and Data sticks and CD’s holding backup material are stored securely.

  • The Administrator and Pre-school Leader follow a procedure to destroy or delete personal data that is no longer required. This is carried out at the end of summer term 6. 

  • Staff are trained annually on all aspects of Data Protection good practice and are aware that they commit an offence if they release children’s, parents/carers /employees personal information without consent.


The pre-school's work with children and families may sometimes bring helpers, parents/carers and the pre-school leader into contact with confidential information. To ensure this confidentiality:

  • Parents/carers will only have access to information and records about their own child.

  • Staff will not discuss individual children other than with the parent/carer of that child, other than for purposes of curriculum planning/group management. This confidentiality clause is written into their job description and therefore forms part of their contract.

  • Information given by parents/carers to the pre-school leader will not be passed onto other adults without permission.

  • Any people involved with pre-school including paid staff, student helpers and parents/carers of other children will be advised of our confidentiality policy and required to respect it.

  • Issues to do with the employment of staff, whether paid or unpaid, will remain confidential to the people directly involved with making personnel decisions.

  • All the above undertakings are subject to our main commitment at pre-school, which is the safety and well being of all the children.

Health and Hygiene

We aim to promote a healthy lifestyle and high standards of hygiene amongst our staff, children and families. The children have the opportunity to play in the open air during every session (weather permitting) in the safe and secure grounds of St. Mark’s Community Centre where Acorns is based (ref. Safety Policy). Clean spare clothes are available in case of accidents. Tea towels and hand towels, towels, bed linen or dirty clothes belonging to Acorns will be placed in a sealed bag in the office and then taken home by a member of staff to be washed appropriately. Personal items of clothing will be placed in a sealed bag and sent home with the parent/carer.

To prevent the spread of all infection, adults in the pre-school will ensure that the following good practices are followed:

  • Hands are to be washed after using the toilet.

  • Adults will wash hands in the art area sink.

  • Hands will be washed before eating, and after every outside play time.

  • The separate art area sink will be used messy washing i.e. paint brushes and paint pots

  • Adults are to use the adult toilet past the main hall.

  • Nappies are to be changed (disposable wipes and gloves are available) on a changing mat in the children’s toilet, or, if the children are able, standing up. Nappies are to be disposed of in a tied bag and placed in the main rubbish bins outside immediately. Spare nappies and wipes are to be kept on the high shelf in the bathroom.

  • Potties are to be disinfected after each use and stored in the toilet area.

  • Nappy changing mats will be wiped down with disinfectant wipes after each use.

  • The fridge temperature is checked daily.

  • Boxes of tissues will be available and children encouraged to blow and wipe their noses where necessary. Soiled tissues will be disposed of hygienically by flushing down the toilet, hands must be washed after blowing noses.

  • Hygiene rules with regard to bodily fluid spills will be followed with particular care.  Gloves will always be worn and paper used will be flushed down the toilet. Floors and other affected surfaces will be cleaned with a suitable disinfectant immediately.

  • All cups and utensils used by Acorns will be kept clean, dust free and not be cracked or chipped in any way.

  • Child-safe, sterilised sand is used in the sandpit and is thrown away and renewed every month.

  • Members of staff clean acorns daily after each session.

  • Members of staff will clean and anti-bac all resources termly, or as needed.

  • Separate hand washing and drying facilities are available and antibacterial soap is provided for staff to use after changing wet or soiled clothing or nappies.

  • Acorns and St. Mark’s Community Centre adhere to a strict ‘No Smoking’ policy. This is made clear in the prospectus and notices are on display throughout the centre.

  • Notices and signs, which promote good hygiene practices, are displayed around Acorns. The children are encouraged to learn about hygiene through daily routines.

  • Parents are able to provide information on the admissions forms about cultural and religious practices, which may affect their children in terms food preparation and washing. These practices are respected by Acorns staff. 

Sick Children

  • If a child is ill with an infection, parents are requested to keep the child at home and to notify Acorns of the nature of the illness, so other parents may be informed via e-mail.

  • If a child presents with an infectious disease as defined by the Health Protection Agency, OFSTED will be notified.

  • Parents are asked not to bring children who have suffered sickness or diarrhoea until at least 48 hours after their last attack. OFSTED will be informed if there is an outbreak of food poisoning.

  • Acorns will actively continue its links with the local health visitors where possible  and update its health information from the various health agencies, including the BANES Family Information Service and Department of Health.

  • In the event of a child becoming ill during a session and needing to go home, the parents will be contacted using the information given on their registration form. This information is updated every September and whenever parents inform Acorns of changes. It is held in a lockable filing-cabinet (ref. Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy). In the event of the parents not being contactable the additional emergency contact will be used. The child will be made comfortable and not left alone until a guardian arrives.

  • In the event of a serious medical emergency, the emergency services, then the parents and then the child’s doctor are immediately contacted and the registered first-aider administers aid while awaiting an ambulance. With less serious accidents, the registered first-aider administers aid and the parent (and doctor where deemed necessary) are contacted immediately. Where hospital treatment is required a member of staff will stay with the child until the parent/carer arrives.

  • Parents are asked to give their written permission, to the seeking of any emergency medical advice or treatment when they register their child.

  • Open wounds are covered with a suitable dressing.

  • If children are showing signs of eye infections such as conjunctivitis we ask that carers seek medical advice and start treatment before children return to preschool.

Infectious Diseases

The procedure in the case of an infectious disease at Acorns is:

  1. Parent/carer informs Pre-School Leader

  2. Pre-school Leader informs staff and parents (where appropriate)

  3. Pre-school Leader contacts the Consultant for Communicable Disease Control CCDC for further advice and OFSTED if appropriate.

There are two sorts of infectious diseases:

Notifiable Diseases – these must be reported to OFSTED. (This is not a complete list, but is the most common. For a complete list or if in any doubt refer to the Health & Safety File and check, this is kept in the office)

  • Diphtheria                              

  • Influenza

  • Measles                                   

  • Tetanus

  • Rubella                                     

  • Mumps

  • Whooping Cough           

  • HIB

  • Meningitis                               

  • Scarlet Fever

Non-notifiable Diseases- must be reported to all in the workplace:

  • Covid

  • Head lice

  • Impetigo

  • Scabies

  • Hand, foot and Mouth

  • Conjunctivitis

  • Threadworms

  • Chickenpox                                       

Special Consideration must be given to those with vulnerable immune systems (esp. Thalassaemia, leukaemia and HIV)

There is no need to inform Acorns staff or parents/carers of HIV or AIDS as good hygiene is practiced and therefore this should not be a risk.


If a child is on prescribed medication, wherever possible, the child's parents will be asked to administer the medicine. If this is not possible, then medication must be clearly labelled with the child's name, dosage, any instructions and the expiry date. Staff can only administer medication when it has been prescribed for the child by a doctor. Before medicine can be administered a Prescribed Medicine Form must be completed and signed by the parents.  A separate form is also used to record the actual details of the administration(s).

With regard to the administration of life saving medication such as insulin/adrenalin injections or the use of nebulisers, the position will be clarified by reference to Acorns’ insurance company. If specialist knowledge is required, staff involved in administering medication will receive training from a qualified health professional.

All medicines will be kept in a locked cupboard out of reach of the children, or in the case of antibiotics, clearly labelled and put in the fridge. We are not able to administer non-prescribed medicines at any time.

First Aid

All staff working directly with the children hold an Advanced Paediatric First Aid certificate, and are trained to administer first aid to children on the premises BANES accredit all first-aid training.

The pre-school will ensure that the first aid equipment is kept clean, replenished and replaced as necessary. The pre-school deputy leader Samantha Beattie will ensure that the first aid boxes, for both in door and Forest School sessions are kept replenished. Sterile items will be kept sealed in their packages until needed.

Members of staff will be made aware of where to locate first aid equipment during their induction.

Acorns hold a clearly accessible Accident book in which is recorded details of all accidents. These are signed by a member of staff and countersigned by the child’s parent/carer, then stored in a confidential file.

Food and Drink

Information regarding allergies, dietary requirements or special heath requirements will be obtained before a child starts in Acorns. This is done through the new parent pack which is given to parents at the beginning of July. If an allergy or a dietary requirement is stated then the pre-school leader will contact the parents/carers for further information by email, if no response is made then this will be followed up with a phone call. This includes information about allergies and intolerances, religious requirements and vegetarian/vegan choices. This information is clearly displayed on the kitchenette wall for staff and volunteers.

If there is a special health requirement or a serious food allergy then the pre-school leader/Senco will contact B&NES early years team for advice, and a health plan will be put in place for that child. The child’s parent will be invited to input in to the health care plan.

All staff that prepare snacks, or handle food will hold a level 2 food safety certificate.

All food is prepared in a safe and hygenic manner. Surfaces are cleaned with an anti-bacterial spray, and then dried before food preparation. Chopping boards are used to prepare fruit and vegetables. Acorns offers snacks only, these are healthy and based on the guidelines given in the ‘Eat Better, Start Better’ practical guide.

Acorns regard snack and meal times as an important part of the day. Eating represents a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy eating.

At snack times, we aim to provide nutritious food, which meets children’s individual dietary needs.

We ask that parents who provide packed lunches do not include sweets or chocolate.

Acorns staff show sensitivity in providing for children’s diets and allergies. Children are not singled out because of their requirements.

Acorns aims to provide snacks which are nutritious and varied, and which do not contain large quantities of sugar, fat, salt or artificial additives, preservatives, flavourings or colourings. Children are offered fresh water or whole/pasteurised milk to drink at snack time and actively encouraged to help themselves to water (see below) at any time or after physical/ energetic play and in hot weather.

Meal and snack times are organised in such a way that they are social occasions in which children and staff participate.

Snack and Meal times are used to help children develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink and feeding themselves.

Fresh drinking water is permanently available for the children. Children are shown where the water is and informed that they can ask for water at any time during the day.

Parents whose children stay for lunch should place packed lunches on the trolley. Parents are encouraged to include a ‘cooling blocks’ to ensure food is kept at an ambient temperature. Lunch boxes are placed on a trolley which is stored in the lobby when not in use, this area is not heated.

Acorns discourage sharing and swapping of food in order to protect children with food allergies.

Sun Awareness

We aim to utilise the garden as much as possible during the year, both as an outdoor classroom and a playground. It is important to us that the children and staff enjoy this facility on sunny days safely, therefore from Summer Term 5, late April, onwards we will:

  • Timetable Sun Awareness Policy for our staff meeting at the start of term to ensure all staff is aware of its importance and our procedure.

  • Discuss Sun Protection measures interactively with all the children.

  • Send a letter to parents/carers requesting they send their children to Acorns wearing a suitable sunscreen on sunny days, and ask permission for staff to reapply sunscreen during the day.

  • Parents/cares are given the option of providing their own product, if they prefer or their child has skin sensitivity issues, in a clearly labelled bottle. In the same letter we request children are sent to pre-school in clothing that covers their shoulders (vests and strappy tops are discouraged) and a named wide brimmed or legionnaire style hat.

  • Provide, free of charge, sunscreen developed for young children of factor 40 or above.

  • Keep a stock of sunhats for children who forget to bring their own.

  • Allow children to wear their own UV protective sunglasses.

  • Make full use of shade available in our garden under the trees or by erecting gazebos/building dens.

  • Move seats and equipment to shady areas during organised activities.

  • Limit outdoor play time between 11.00am and 3.00pm on particularly hot days.

  • Plan shade provision into any future development of our outdoor space.

Equipment and Resources

Acorns provides play equipment and resources which are safe and, where applicable,  conform to the BSEN safety standards or Toys (Safety) Regulation (1995).

Acorns provides a sufficient quantity of equipment and resources for the number of children

Books, equipment and resources are selected which promote positive images of people of all races, cultures and abilities. They are non-discriminatory and avoid racial and gender stereotyping (ref. Equality & Diversity Policy).

Acorns provide play equipment and resources, which promote continuity and progression, provide sufficient challenge to the children, and meet their individual interests and needs. Resources are offered which promote all areas of children’s learning and development (they may be adult or child-led).

A range of manufactured, natural and recycled materials are provided. They are clean, in good condition and safe for the children to use.

Acorns provide furniture which is suitable for children, and furniture which is suitable for adults.

 A range of resources and equipment is displayed where children can select them independently.

All resources and equipment are checked at the beginning and end of each session as it is used. Any unsafe, worn out or dirty equipment is repaired and cleaned, or replaced (ref. Health and Hygiene Policy).

The provision of activities and resources is planned so that a balance of familiar equipment and resources and new exciting challenges is offered.

Health and Safety

The safety of our children is of paramount importance and in order to ensure the safety of both children and adults the pre-school ensures that:

  • Daily risk assessments are completed by the staff team, these include ensuring that the hall or garden is prepared for use by the children.

  • Staff verbally risk assess regularly, reasons may include the weather affecting our garden useage, or staff deployment/levels affecting the experiences on offer.

  • All electrical equipment conforms to safety requirements and is checked regularly. St. Mark’s Community Centre holds all safety certificates, which can be accessed through the St. Mark’s Chairman.

  • Acorns holds current Public Liability and Employers’ Liability Insurance certificates. Displayed in the entrance hall.

  • Acorns Induction Training for staff and volunteers includes clear explanations of safety issues so that all adults are able to adhere to policy and understand their shared responsibility for safety.

  • As necessary, safety training is included in the annual training plans of staff and is discussed regularly at staff meetings (i.e. Manual handling / food hygiene courses).

  • Children are made aware of safety issues through discussions, planned activities and routines.

  • Confidential records are available at each session for the reporting of any incident or accident. The pre-school leader and deputy leader, along with the committee health and safety representative review these annually to see if they highlight any particular safety problems. Accident and incident records are kept by the entrance, parents are required to sign it and the report is kept in a confidential file. Parents will be asked to complete a home injury record if a child arrives having sustained an injury outside of Acorns. These are kept confidentially in a locked drawer in the office.

Outings Procedure

Trips on foot

We sometimes take the children out to explore their local environment. Once children are settled we seek permissions from parents/carers to take them on outings. All parents/carers are invited to support the outing with their presence, and a suitable ratio of one adult to four children is always maintained. 

The register is taken for the children directly before the outing and taken with the leader on the trip.  Children are regularly checked throughout the outing to ensure all are present. The register holds all contact numbers and is accessible to parents, doctors and other important persons.

Where the destination or journey with regard to the trip is unfamiliar, then a prior visit would be necessary by one of the qualified team members to carry out a risk assessment.

The children are supervised to ensure that no child gets lost and that there is no unauthorised access to children. In the extremely unlikely event of a child becoming unattached to the party then the police will be immediately informed by the pre-school leader and parents/carers notified. 

In the event of a serious medical emergency, the emergency services, then the parents/carers and then the child’s doctor are immediately contacted. The registered first-aider administers aid while awaiting an ambulance.  In less serious accidents, the registered first-aider administers aid and the parents/carers (and doctor where deemed necessary) are contacted immediately.

A mobile phone is turned on and taken at all times.  Likewise, the first aid kit, spare clothing and plastic bags and any medication that is being used at the time are taken on every outing.

Checking the Identity of Visitors

  • All visitors will be asked to show relevant identification on entry into Acorns.

  • All visitors will be asked to sign in and out of the visitors log book

  • All visitors will be supervised during their entire visit. Visitors are strictly forbidden to be left alone with a child at any time.

  • No unauthorised persons will be permitted to enter the building unless previously arranged.

Mobile Phone Use

The use of mobile phones or any other personal electronic devices will not be allowed at any time during the session.

No mobile phones are allowed in any of the rooms where children have access, at any time during the session.

All phones will be stored in the office / staff room at all times, they may be used at break times within the office / staff room, or off the premises. No photographs of the children or the environment are allowed to be taken on mobile phones at any time.

If anyone becomes aware of anyone using their mobile phone, for any reason, during session time then you must inform the safeguarding officer and the manager immediately.

Visitors to the setting are asked to leave their mobile phones in their bags, which are stored in the locked cupboard in the office for the duration of their visit.

Personal mobile phones should not be used to contact parents unless in an emergency, eg: if the landline ceased to work/power cut etc.

iPad Use

Acorns staff team use iPads to take photos, record short videos and write notes on the Acorns children.

Once observations have been written the photos are stored on the main Acorns P.C and deleted from the iPad.

The staff team are responsible for their own iPads and they must ensure safe use at all times.

The iPads are used solely for Acorns work, they are not to be used for any reason other than completing the Acorns children’s on-line journals.

Permanent members of staff complete the children’s on-line journals both in Acorns and in their own home. iPads must be stored safely and no-one else must have access to the iPads at any time. Only Acorns staff may use these iPads.

Photos are stored for one year on the office PC. When the children move on to school, or another setting, their photos are deleted.

A signed agreement from parents/carers is obtained before any photos or video images are taken of children.

Photographs are not allowed to be taken in the following areas of Acorns:

  • Toilet/bathroom

  • Changing areas.

  • Group photographs will only be used if we have full permission for taking photographs of every child included.

Photographs of children will only be included on our website each week if written permission has been granted. The website is password protected.

No Smoking

 Widcombe Acorns operates a strict no smoking policy within it’s buildings and grounds.

 All adults including staff members, students and visitors are required to obstain from smoking whilst on the premises. This also includes the use of e-cigarettes and vapes.

Emergency Evacuation

 In the event of a fire, or an emergency causing the need for a full evacuation, the following steps will be taken;

  • A member of staff on duty will sound an alarm and immediately ask all the children to line up by the internal door next to the home corner.

  • The manager will do a head count to check all children are present.

  • The deputy will the check all rooms and collect the register, a telephone and a contact number list from the shelf next to the kitchen.

  • All staff will accompany the children outside the building and line the children up next to the railings or away from where the fire is situated.

  • The manager will then call a register to ensure all children are present.

  • Emergency services will be contacted if necessary

  • Once safety is ensured the adults and children will return into the building.

  • Details of the evacuation will be logged

Missing Children

Acorns has the highest regard for safety of the children in our care. Staff will always be extremely aware of the potential for children to go missing during sessions.

Even when all precautions are properly observed, emergencies can still arise. Therefore members of staff will undertake periodic head counts, especially at the transition points between sessions (in addition to the registration procedures). If for any reason a member of staff cannot account for a child’s whereabouts during a session the following procedure will be activated:

  • The member of staff in question will inform both the Pre-school leader and the rest of the staff team that the child is missing and a thorough search of the entire premises will commence. The staff team will be careful not to create an atmosphere of panic and to ensure that the other children remain safe and adequately supervised.

  • The Pre-school leader will nominate two members of staff to search the area surrounding the premises. All staff will be extra vigilant to any potentially suspicious behaviour or persons in and around Acorns.

  • If after 15 minutes of thorough searching the child is still missing, the Pre-school leader will inform the police and then the child’s parent/carer.

  • While waiting for the police and the parent/carer to arrive, searches for the child will continue. During this period, other members of staff will maintain as normal a routine as is possible for the rest of the children at Acorns.

  • The Manager will be responsible for meeting the police and the missing child’s parent/carer. The Manager will co-ordinate any actions instructed by the police, and do all they can to comfort and reassure the parents/carers.

  • Once the incident is resolved, the Manager and staff team will review relevant policies and procedures and implement any necessary changes (paying particular note to the relevant provisions of the Security and Risk Assessment Policies).

  • All incidents of children going missing from Acorns will be recorded in the Incident Record Book, and in cases where either the police or the social services have been informed, Ofsted will also be informed, as soon as practicable.

Behaviour Management

We aim to provide an organised environment within which children are free to develop their play and learning without fear of being hurt or hindered by anyone.

Helen Harvey is the designated person responsible for Behaviour Management. As part of their induction new staff are made aware of the pre-school's policy on behaviour management including our commitment to racial equality. By attending cluster group discussions and SENCO courses, staff are made aware of different behaviour management techniques and issues.

We set and expect high standards of behaviour from all of the children.

All the children are taught to be sensitive to the needs of others and to all treat each other and their learning environment with respect.

Children are encouraged to share and negotiate with each other, and staff help children to challenge bullying, harassment and name-calling.

Rules of behaviour are prominently displayed at pre-school. The children are encouraged to help formulate these rules with input from the pre-school leader. Circle-time and role-playing sessions are employed, as a means of getting the children to talk about what they think is acceptable/non-acceptable behaviour. Children are also encouraged to talk about feelings and emotions during these sessions.

It is recognised that cultural background may affect behaviour. This is taken into account when dealing with incidents of unacceptable behaviour.

Children, staff and parents are aware of procedures for dealing with harassment. They know that any language or behaviour, which is racist, sexist, homophobic or potentially damaging to any minority group, is always unacceptable (ref. Equality and Diversity Policy).

Children are reassured that they are always valued as individuals even if their behaviour is sometimes unacceptable.

All adults in the pre-school will ensure the rules are applied consistently and to all children.

All adults will provide a positive model for the children with regard to friendliness, care and courtesy and actively endorse behaviour such as kindness and the willingness to share.

We aim to foster a feeling of responsibility within the children by encouraging them to help tidy up and to take care of all the play equipment available at the pre-school.

If a child should behave in an unacceptable way, physical punishment will never be used or even threatened, nor will the child be sent away from the group. All staff recognise the importance of children’s self-esteem.

Children will be given one-to-one adult support to establish what was wrong and to work towards a better behavioural pattern.

Any behavioural problems will be handled in an appropriate fashion, respecting each child's level of understanding and maturity of development and with regard to the possible cultural differences in expectations of some behaviour.

Physical restraint

The use of physical intervention/restraint is wherever possible avoided. However, where necessary and appropriate, reasonable force will be used to control or restrain children.

It is our aim to:

  • Create a warm, calm and orderly atmosphere that promotes a sense of community

  • Achieve a consistent attitude by all staff that gives pupils a sense of security and safety whilst promoting clear expectations on acceptable behaviour

  • Ensure that all staff, relevant directors, children, parents/carers understand their roles and responsibility with regard to behaviour management

  • Promote the continual development of staff and appropriate documented training necessary

  • The attitude and behaviour of all staff is essential in creating and maintaining a positive ethos within the nursery, the committed team approach will help provide a positive role model for children where they respect themselves and others.


Physical intervention is any method of physically intervening to resolve a difficult or dangerous situation, and is not necessarily physical restraint.

Physical restraint is defined as when a member of staff uses force with the intention of restricting a young persons movement against their will.

Physical intervention and restraint should be used as last resort to support children and young people in times of crisis. Restraint should be avoided wherever possible. It is never a substitute for good behaviour management. Other methods (such as defusing conflict, non- physical calming, etc) of managing the situation should always be tried first, unless this is impractical.

The degree of force used should be the minimum needed to achieve the desired result.

Physical restraint should only be considered an option if:

  • There is a risk of injury to others or to the pupil (child)

  • There is a risk of significant damage to property

  • Calming and defusing strategies have failed to de-escalate the situation

In all incidents where physical restraint has been used, the following actions must be taken:

  • The manager must be informed as soon as possible.

  • The managers is responsible for ensuring parents are informed as soon as possible

  • Staff involved must complete a written record as soon as possible and always within 12 hours of incident taking place

Risk management

Any child who has needed to be restrained or who has challenging behaviour which might make this necessary should have a risk assessment and a behaviour plan specifying situations most likely to trigger difficulty behaviour. Any strategies, eg. regulating techniques most likely to help are agreed with parents/cares and communicated to all staff who work with the child. (This must be reviewed every half term).

Uncollected children

Parents/carers are encouraged to be prompt when collecting.  Children sometimes become distressed when others are going home and their parent has not yet arrived.  It is essential that pre-school staff know who is collecting each child. Members of staff must be informed prior to collection if a parent is not collecting and this detail must be placed in the pick up book.

In the event of a child not being collected, every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian through the phone numbers provided on the child’s registration form. If no contact can be made, then the additional emergency contact number provided on the registration form will be used. In no circumstances will the child be left unattended. If no contact can be made with the parent/guardian social services will be contacted. In this event OFSTED would also be contacted and an accurate diary of events kept.

The Acorns office telephone number is 01225 445446 and is usually answered by a member of staff. In the event of a staff member being unavailable to take the call, a twenty-four hour answering service is available for parents wishing to leave a message. Calls will be returned as soon as a staff member becomes available.


Policy reviewed and updated September 2024