Electronic devices and other image recording devices

Electronic devices such as iPads and computers can be a valuable tool of joint research and sharing children’s progress and news. However, if not managed and used safely these devices can present safeguarding risks to children. Therefore, at Acorns we implement a strict procedure to ensure that while we get the most of technology children’s safety is maintained.


Phones/glasses and other imagery recording devices

  • The use of mobile phones or any other personal electronic devices other than Acorns staff ipads will not be allowed at any time at Widcombe Acorns this the includes wearing of smart glasses and any devices which can record imagery.

  • Staff and visitors are asked to keep devices in the office. Personal mobile phones should not be used to contact parents unless in an emergency, eg: if the landline/ work mobile ceased to work/power cut etc.

Acorns iPads

Acorns staff team use iPads to take photos, record short videos and write notes on the Acorns children. Staff are responsible for their allocated ipad. Photos are deleted weekly after uploading onto children’s learning journals.

Our iPads are checked routinely by a manager to ensure all safety settings are on and the device is being used in accordance with setting policy.

The iPads are used solely for Acorns work, they are not to be used for any reason other than completing the Acorns children’s on-line journals.

Permanent members of staff complete the children’s on-line journals both in Acorns and in their own home. iPads must be stored safely and no-one else must have access to the iPads at any time. Only Acorns staff may use these iPads.

A signed agreement from parents/carers is obtained before any photos or video images are taken of children.

Photographs are not allowed to be taken in the following areas of Acorns:

  • Toilet/bathroom

  • Changing areas.

  • Group photographs will only be used if we have full permission for taking photographs of every child included.

Photographs of children will only be included on our website and social media if written permission has been granted. The website and all electronic devices are password protected.

Policy Reviewed January 2025